The Smell of Baked Goods

As I was transferring trains at Union Square I saw Dan Stevens playing guitar and singing at the Music Under New York busking spot. A woman was dancing with a little kid to the sound of the music.

Dan Stevens

My busking spot for the day was at the Whitehall Ferry Terminal in lower Manhattan.
An older gentleman and two ladies sat on a bench to my right. They applauded after every song I played for 40 minutes. They then came to tell me that they are from the Berry Friendship Senior Center on Staten Island. They took the ferry especially and came all the way from Staten Island to Manhattan just to hear me play! They read about me in the Staten Island Advance newspaper last week.

Here is a video the Staten Island Advance newspaper did of me: (please turn off the player on the right hand side bar of the blog before viewing the video)

Saw Lady

As I was playing, the intoxicating smell of popcorn and cookies filled the air, drifting my way from the two stores in the terminal.

Somebody put a medallion that says ‘Metropolitan Transportation Authority – Police Benevolent Association’ in my donations box.
A little blond girl named Misa gave me a drawing she made of me playing the musical saw.

So many people today told me that they read about me in the Staten Island Advance newspaper. This newspaper must be very popular.

The smell of baked goods was making me hungry. Time to go home.
Before leaving the terminal I went over to a lady sitting on the floor. She was making a colorful shaggy square of a carpet. Beforehand, while I was playing, she came to tell me that she recognized the ‘Harry Potter’ theme I played. She then returned to ask me to play it again. She said she watches the ‘Harry Potter’ movies all the time. I told her the way I see it, if the mode of transportation of witches is a broom, than wouldn’t it make sense that at music classes at the Hogwarts school they taught musical saw playing? The lady agreed with me 🙂

1 Comment

  1. elizasmom on May 3, 2009 at 11:09 pm

    What a great story in that video. I’m so sorry you could not pursue your dancing career, but I think it’s amazing that a lost opportunity led you to a whole different art form. Actually, I think you are multi-talented — my mom and I were talking recently about how wonderful your blog is — you are a very talented writer as well as a musician.