An Elevator Has Two Sets of Doors

When I was busking at the 14th street subway station, a teenager named Art rubbed my musical saw with his hand three times and said: “can I have three wishes?” He then went on to say: “I wish you’d play that song I like”. As I’ve seen him before many times I knew he meant the song from the movie ’13 Days in France’, so I played it.

Union Square subway

A gentleman told me his name is Jose and asked me if I know Armand. Armand is a homeless guy who was sitting on the bench before, clapping his hands after each song I played. Jose told me that Armand told him that he is my friend. Jose said Armand is very wise and much older than what he looks. He knows how to stay young and to have his hair not turn white.
Jose had a bag of food he wanted to give Armand, but I couldn’t tell him where to find Armand. Jose asked me to tell Armand that he was looking for him, if I see him again.

stairs at Union Square subway

When I was done busking for the day, I took the elevator down to the platform together with a lady. When the elevator got to the platform the doors opened and… there was another set of doors that remained closed. We could see a guy waving his arms in frustration on the other side of the closed doors. He wanted to take the elevator up. When we realized the doors won’t open, I pressed the ‘up’ button. The set of doors that were open didn’t close… I pressed the ‘close doors’ button and fortunately the doors closed and the elevator took us back upstairs. This end, the doors did open. The lady and I were very happy that we didn’t get stuck and we learned that an elevator has two sets of doors…

Saw Lady at Symphony Space

This Thursday, July 29th, I’ll be playing the musical saw with the Manhattan Chamber Orchestra at Symphony Space. Please click on the invitation above to enlarge and print. This concert is also recommended by the New York Times (scroll down to ‘Manhattan Chamber Orchestra’ )
If you attend the concert – come and say ‘hi’!


  1. Linda on July 24, 2010 at 5:11 pm

    I love reading about the small things you notice, which are great things.

  2. Saw Lady on July 26, 2010 at 2:31 am

    Thank you for your kind comment, Linda!
    I think your circus shows are so cool!
    Any chance you might want to make the trip to NYC to play your saw at the Musical Saw Festival on August 7th?