If I Murder My Wife, Can I Marry You?

Climbing the stairs up to the subway station with my heavy busking gear, I noticed a guy wearing an MTA shirt who was also walking up the stairs. “Excuse me…” I said to him. MTA guy: “I’m sorry, I can’t help you (motioning to my busking cart) – MTA rules – we can’t touch anything”.…

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Mostly New Yorkers

I was suffering from lower back pain for the first time ever. Somehow a bone moved out of place in my pelvis and I had to skip two busking permits on account of being in too much pain. Normally I drag my busking gear up and down staircases in the subway, but today, due to…

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Slow But Enjoyable

As I was climbing the stairs to the subway station, lugging my busking gear, a mute gentleman with a bad leg offered to help me bring my busking gear up the stairs. I was very touched by his kindness through his own hardship. While I was busking at the Union Square subway station, the four…

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Juggling Fire While Drumming

On the train on my way to my busking spot there were two Nortenos with an accordion and a guitar. They were taking the train to Manhattan but they were not playing. Apparently, they don’t work this train line. The three acapela singers who call themselves ‘The Fellows”, Bo, Chill and the one who’s name…

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Thanksgiving Day at the Times Square Subway Station

When I got to the Music Under New York spot at the Times Square subway station at 11:30 this morning, there were two police officers standing right at the spot, one of them with a police dog. There was yellow police tape and police barriers blocking the way to the escalators. As I showed the…

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Lady Steps Out of Limo to Put $300 in Buskers Hat

As I reached the subway station, on my way to playing in the subway, a lady looked at me and said “I saw you on channel 13!”. That’s so nice. When I got to the Times Square subway station there were two hoofers (tap dancers) on the platform. Each one of them had their individual…

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How Few Strings Can You Play With?

Today was a dreary & rainy cold day. When I got to the Shuttle train on its Times Square side I saw the three singers who sing on trains – Romero, Chill and Bo, standing on the platform. They were on their way to singing in the #6 train line. We got on the Shuttle…

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